Hover a mouse pointer over the Schedule menu link on the menu bar to display its drop-down menu.
Slide a mouse pointer over to the Build Schedule option to display its menu.
Click Day Detail to open the Schedule - Day Detail screen.
Alternatively, click the Day
Details link located on the Schedule Details screen to open
the Schedule - Day Detail screen.
If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.
From the Schedule - Day Detail screen:
Select a labor's shift from the Shift drop-down list.
Select the Rotating option for a rotating shift from the Shift drop-down list.
Select the Equipment option for an equipment's shift from the Shift drop-down list.
Select a schedule from the Schedule Name drop-down list.
Select a scheduled Day 1 of the selected schedule from the Day drop-down list.
Select a schedule type from the Type drop-down list.
Enter the scheduled start and end time, using the 24-hour format,
into the Start Time and End Time text boxes. Alternatively,
click the Time icon
and select the scheduled start and end time. (see also Time Format)
The Current Day buttons for the start and end times are selected by default. If the end time crosses midnight, click the Next Day button. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Select a shift rotation option from the Shift Rotation drop-down list to indicate the shift for this particular day.
Click Add to save and display the shift, the scheduled day, the start and end times in the Weekly Schedule Detail Listing.
Complete all hour types for the day, such as Scheduled Time, Lunch, and Break.
From the Weekly Schedule Detail Listing, click the Copy link on a line item to copy the selected day detail.
Click the Paste link on a line item of a different day to paste the selected day detail.
From the Day Schedule grid, click the Delete icon on a line item to delete the selected schedule type.
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