When entering a new rate, the end date of the old rate will be reset automatically to the same date as the start date of the new rate. The labor rate's end date cannot exceed the agreement's end date and should be the agreement's end date to allow for agreement extension functionality. Click the Show Skill Description to open the Skill Description dialog box, displaying the selected labor skill's description.
Hover a mouse pointer over the Settings menu link on the menu bar to display its drop-down menu.
Slide a mouse pointer over to the Labor option to display its menu.
Click Rates to open the Labor Agreement - Rates screen.
Alternatively, access the Labor Agreement - Rates screen by
clicking the Labor Rates link
on the Labor Agreement/Assign Skills screen.
If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.
From the Labor Agreement - Rates screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.
Select an agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.
Select a labor skill from the Skill drop-down list. Any previously assigned rates are displayed in the Rates Listing.
From the Define New Rates area, click New to enable the Start Date, End Date, and Rates text boxes.
Enter the start and end dates into the Start Date and End Date text boxes. Alternatively, select the dates from the calendars. (see also Date Format)
All of the Rate text boxes must contain a number. Enter the straight time rate into the S/T text box, the overtime rate into the O/T text box, the double-time D/T text box, the other defined rate amounts into the Rate4, Rate5, and Rate6 text boxes.
If applicable, enter the ERP Codes for each labor rate into the appropriate text boxes.
Click Add to save and display the new rates in the Rates Listing.
If using the non-billable skill rates, ensure the Block Allocation for Resources with missing Skill or Rate checkbox is deselected on the Application Setting screen. Refer to Application Settings for more information.
If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.
From the Labor Agreement - Rates screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.
Select an agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.
Select Non-Billable Skill from the Skill drop-down list. Any previous assigned rates are displayed in the Rates Listing.
From the Define New Rates area, click New to enable the Start Date, End Date, and Rates text boxes.
Enter the start and end dates into the Start Date and End Date text boxes. Alternatively, select the dates from the calendars. (see also Date Format)
Enter 0 in all of the Rate text boxes.
If applicable, enter the ERP Codes for each labor rate into the appropriate text boxes.
Click Add to save and display the new non-billable skill rate in the Rates Listing.
Follow the steps in Skills Assignment but selected Non-Billable Skill from the Skills drop-down list.
When allocating the non-billable skills, follow the steps in Allocate labor hours and/or extra costs and ensure to select Non-Billable Skill from the Skill Type drop-down list. For the Quick Allocation of Labor Hours and Costs, select Non-Billable Skill from the Skill drop-down list.
Use the editing feature only to make corrections to the initial entries. Enter new labor rates with new labor rate dates to change rates.
From the Rates Listing, click the Edit icon on the line item to enable the Rates and ERP Codes text boxes.
Make the corrections to the rate amounts or the ERP codes, then click the Update icon to save the modifications.
The labor rate cannot be deleted if it is in used.
From the Rates Listing, click the Delete icon on the line item. The delete confirmation pop-up message appears.
Click OK to delete the selected labor rates.
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