
Templates is a time saving tool when allocating the labor hours and extra charges with the same cost objects. A copy of the already existed allocated cost objects is used to create the template.

Create a template

Ensure that the selected labor resource has the allocated hours and costs because this will enable the Save As link in the Templates screen.

  1. Click the Allocations menu link to open the Allocate Labor screen.

  2. If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.

  3. From the Allocations screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.

  4. Select a labor group from the Group drop-down list.

  5. Enter a date into the Date text box. Alternatively, select a date from the calendar. (see also Date Format)

  6. Select a labor resource with the allocated hours from the Resources list box.

  7. Click the Select Template button to open the Templates screen, displaying the work orders for the selected labor resource in the Template Level 2 list box.

  8. Click Save As to enable the Create New Template text box and the Save link.

  9. Enter a new template name, up to ten characters, into the Create New Template text box.

  10. Click Save to save and display the new template name in the Template Name list box.


Use a template

  1. From the Templates screen, click a template name in the Template Name list box to highlight it.

  2. Click Use Template to enable the selected template and return to the Allocate Labor screen, displaying the selected template name next to the Get More Info button.

  3. Select a labor resource whose hours and extra charges have not been allocated from the Resources list box.

  4. Click the Edit icon on a line item to enable the S/T, O/T, D/T, E/C, R4, R5, and R6 text boxes. The assigned template work order information appears in the Order Type and Levels as read-only fields.

  5. Enter the hours and extra charges into the appropriate text boxes.

  6. Click the Update icon to allocate the hours and extra charges.


Disable a template

Once the allocation is completed, ensure that the selected template is turn off if no longer using.

  1. From the Allocate Labor screen, click the Select Template button to open the Templates screen.

  2. From the Templates screen, click a template name in the Template Name list box to highlight it.

  3. Click Stop Using to turn off the template feature and return to the Allocate Labor screen.


Delete a template

  1. From the Templates screen, click a template name from the Template Name list box to highlight it and enable the Delete Template link.

  2. Click Delete Template to delete the selected template.


Related Topic

Allocate Labor Hours