Labor Skills

Labor skills are available to assign to an agreement. A labor skill cannot be modified or deleted if it is assigned to one or more agreements. When creating a new skill name, its description, ERP cross references skill code, and other information are optional entries. Extra fields facilitate storing additional user information used in reporting.

Open the Labor Skills screen

  1. Hover a mouse pointer over the Settings menu on the menu bar to display its drop-down menu.

  2. Slide mouse pointer over the Labor option to display its menu.

  3. Click Skills to open the Labor Skills screen.

  4. Alternatively, access the Labor Skills screen by clicking the Add New Skills link on the Labor Agreement/Assign Skills screen.


Add a labor skill

  1. From the Labor Skills screen, enter a new skill name into the Skill Name text box.

  2. Enter a labor skill's description into the Description text box.

  3. Enter an ERP cross references skill code into the ERP Reference text box.

  4. Enter additional information into the Extra 1, Extra 2, or Extra 3 text boxes.

  5. The Active checkbox is selected by default. Deselect the Active checkbox to assign an inactive status. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  6. Click the Add button to save and display the new labor skill and its information in the Labor Skill Listing.


Edit a labor skill

The skill name cannot be edited.

  1. From the Labor Skill Listing, click the Edit icon to enable the Description, ERP Ref, Extra 1, Extra 2, and Extra 3 text boxes, and Status drop-down list.

  2. Make changes in any of the available text boxes.

  3. Select the A option for active status or the I option for an inactive status from the Status drop-down list.

  4. Click the Update icon to save and display the modifications in the Labor Skill Listing.


Delete a labor skill

  1. From the Labor Skill Listing, click the Delete icon on a line item. The delete confirmation pop-up message appears.

  2. Click OK to delete the selected labor skill.