During the Activity process, Vendor Timekeepers can add the rental equipment to begin their billing process. Adding the rental equipment used is completed during a specific period as stated in the Rental Contract. Once the information is added during the Activity process, Track applies the defined rates to the rental contract duration when calculating the charges for rental equipment.
accessing Track, hover a mouse pointer over Activity,
then select Rental Equipment Usage
to open the Rental Equipment screen.
Select a rental equipment company from the Organization drop-down list.
Select a rental equipment agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.
Select a rental equipment group from the Group drop-down list. The equipment type from the selected group display in the Equipment list box.
Select an equipment type from the Equipment list box.
Enter a rental equipment unique identification numbers into the VIN text box.
The Description text box requires an entry. Enter an information to clarify a rental equipment activity into the Description text box.
The Planned button is selected by default. Proceed to the next step if this rental equipment is on rent. If this activity is the last entry, select the Actual button then proceed to the next step.
NOTE: The date format for the Date text boxes is MM/DD/YYYY, which represents Month/Day/Year. The 24-hour time format for the Time Stamp text boxes is HH:MM:SS, which represents Hours:Minutes:Seconds. Once a date is selected, Track automatically populates the time. Users should edit the populated time to ensure that it is aligned with the rental contract period.
Enter a Rental Contract’s start date into the Planned/Actual Start Date text box or select a date from the calendar.
Edit the populated time in the Time Stamp text box to ensure that it is aligned with the rental period.
Enter the billing start date into the Billing Start Date text box.
Edit the populated time by enter the billing cycle start time into the Time Stamp text box.
Timesheet date or bill end date indicates the end of a billing cycle. Enter a timesheet date into the Timesheet Date (Bill End) text box or select a date from the calendar.
Edit the populated time by entering the bill end time into the Time Stamp text box.
Enter a Rental Contract’s end date into the Planned/Actual End Date text box or select a date from the calendar.
Edit the populated time in the Time Stamp text box to ensure that it is aligned with the rental period.
The Rental Contract text box requires an entry. Enter the reference numbers to the Rental Contract document into the Rental Contract text box.
If applicable, click the Add Attachment button to attach a document related to this activity. The dialog box opens.
Click the Select File button to locate and select a document.
Click the Upload button to upload and attach the selected document to this activity. The same attachment applies to both the activity and the other costs.
Click the Save Edit button. The rental equipment is saved and displays in the Rental Equipment Used grid.
Repeat the steps to add another rental equipment from the same or different equipment type.
Ensure the activity for original rental equipment is allocated before proceeding with the swapping process.
From the Rental Equipment screen, select a rental equipment company, a rental equipment agreement, a rental equipment group from the appropriate drop-down lists.
Select an equipment type from the Equipment list box.
From the Rental Equipment Used grid, select a rental equipment activity on a line item where the Delete icon is disabled. The disable Delete icon indicates that this activity has been allocated.
Click the Copy Activity button. The selected rental equipment’s information is automatically populated where appropriate.
Click the Swap checkbox to enable the Previous VIN text box.
Enter a swapped equipment unique identification numbers into the VIN text box.
Enter the original equipment unique identification numbers into the Prev. VIN text box.
Edit an information in the Description text box to clarify the swapped rental equipment activity.
If applicable, select the Planned or Actual button, then proceed to the next step.
Make changes to the Bill Start and Timesheet Dates and Time Stamps, per the swapped equipment billing cycle, in the appropriate text boxes.
Click the Save Edit button. The swapped rental equipment activity is saved and displays in the Rental Equipment Used grid.
Repeat the steps to swap another rental equipment from the same or different equipment type.
From the Rental Equipment screen, select a rental equipment company, a rental equipment agreement, a rental equipment group from the appropriate drop-down lists.
Select an equipment type from the Equipment list box.
Click the Bulk Items checkbox to enable the Quantity text box.
Enter a number of bulk items into the Quantity text box.
The Description text box requires an entry. Enter an information to clarify the bulk items into the Description text box.
If applicable, select the Planned or Actual button, then proceed to the next step.
Enter a Rental Contract’s start date into the Planned/Actual Start Date text box or select a date from the calendar.
Edit the populated time in the Time Stamp text box to ensure that it is aligned with the rental period.
Enter the billing start date into the Billing Start Date text box
Edit the populated time by enter the billing cycle start time into the Time Stamp text box.
Timesheet date or bill end date indicates the end of a billing cycle. Enter a timesheet date into the Timesheet Date (Bill End) text box or select a date from the calendar.
Edit the populated time by entering the bill end time into the Time Stamp text box.
Enter a Rental Contract’s end date into the Planned/Actual End Date text box or select a date from the calendar.
The Rental Contract text box requires an entry. Enter the reference numbers to the Rental Contract document into the Rental Contract text box.
If applicable, click the Add Attachment button to attach a document related to this activity. The dialog box opens.
Click the Select File button to locate and select a document.
Click the Upload button to upload and attach the selected document to this activity. The same attachment applies to both the activity and the other costs.
Click the Save Edit button to save the changes.
From the Rental Equipment Used grid, click the Edit icon on a line item to populate the information.
Make changes to the selected rental equipment activity where appropriate.
Click the Save Edit button to save the changes.
From the Rental Equipment Used grid, click the Delete icon on a line item. The confirmation message appears.
Click OK to delete the selected Rental Equipment activity.