Reserved Variables and Functions

Pay formulas have a set of variables and functions that assist in the calculation of straight time, overtime, and double-time. Below is the list of reserved variables and functions.


Track uses these reserved variables in the net time calculation. These variables cannot be set to a particular value in a pay formula and can only be used on the right side of an equation to supply a value to a function or a variable.


In addition to the reserved variables, there are user-defined variables that are used on the left or the right side of the equations. User-defined variables are used to refer to an hour type (straight time, overtime, and double-time) as defined by the Pay Types dialogue. (see also Pay Types) These pay types are used to compute net billable time.


Reserved Variables and Functions

Description and Usage


This variable has the total time on site in minutes for the current person and day being processed. This is the value that can be seen in the On-Site column on the Activity Screen.


This variable has the total net billable time in minutes since the beginning of the week up to the current day for the person being processed.


This variable has the total net billable straight time in minutes since the beginning of the week.


This variable has the total net billable overtime in minutes since the beginning of the week.


This variable has the total net billable double-time in minutes since the beginning of the week.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that a person is scheduled to work for the day being calculated. This is the value that you can see in the Schedule Screen when a person’s name is highlighted.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that a person was on-site before he was scheduled to start working.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that a person was on-site after he was scheduled to stop working.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes between the very first badge in for a day and the very last badge out for a day.


This variable contains a number representing the day of the week for the day being processed. Sunday through Saturday are represented as 1 through 7.


This variable contains a zero or one; the one signifies that the day being processed has been set as a holiday.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that has been scheduled as lunch according to the person’s schedule for the day being processed. This value is set when creating a schedule and using the lunch tool to create a block of lunchtime.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that a person came in after he was scheduled to start working.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes that a person left before he was scheduled to leave for the day.

@ROUND (value, interval, direction)

This is a function that will round a given amount of time to the nearest interval. The value parameter is the value that you wish to round. The interval parameter tells the rounding function to what interval to round. For example, 15 minutes interval will cause all rounding to be made to the nearest 15 minutes: 13 would become 15. The direction is whether or not to round 0 - down, 1 - up, or 2 - smartly.

@ROUND( 5, 15, 0 ) = 0
@ROUND( 5, 15, 1 ) = 15
@ROUND( 5, 15, 2 ) = 0


This variable has the amount of time in minutes between the very first badge in for a day and the scheduled start time.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes between the scheduled end time and the very last badge out for a day.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes from the last badges out before lunch to the next badge in time.


This variable has the amount of time in minutes between the last badge out prior to the end of the scheduled lunch period and the end of the scheduled lunch period. This is used to establish a window of time for leaving the site for lunch.


This variable can identify each day of a schedule cycle. It is used primarily with schedules that exceed 7 days in the pattern. For example, with a 14 day schedule, the variable can distinguish the first Friday from the second Friday.


This variable calculates the number of consecutive days a worker has had activity. For example, this variable allows for calculating the 7th consecutive day differently.


This variable has the total net billable time in minutes since the beginning of the cycle up to the current day for the person being processed.


This variable has the total net billable straight time in minutes since the beginning of the cycle.


This variable has the total net billable overtime in minutes since the beginning of the cycle.


This variable has the total net billable double-time in minutes since the beginning of the cycle.


The total number of minutes off-site between pre-defined pairs of readers during the first badge IN to the last badge OUT.