Create a Pay Formula Using the Pay Formula Wizard

Open a Pay Formula Wizard

  1. Hover a mouse pointer over the Settings menu on the menu bar to display its drop-down menu.

  2. Slide a mouse pointer over Utilities to display its menu.

  3. Click Pay Formula Wizard to open the Welcome to Track Pay Formula Wizard screen.


Add a new pay formula

  1. If applicable, select a location from the Location drop-down list located at the menu bar.

  2. From the Welcome to Track Pay Formula Wizard screen, click Next to display the New Pay Formula screen.

  3. Enter a new pay formula name into the Pay Formula Name text box.

  4. Enter its description into the Pay Formula Desc text box.

  5. Click Next to display the Regular Worker or Runner screen.

  6. Answer the questions on the subsequent screens for the new pay formula.


    1. Regular Worker or Runner screen: Select an option to determine a type of a labor resource who will utilize the new pay formula.


    2. Rounding screen: Select the appropriate rounding increments to use with the new pay formula.


    3. Early Time screen: Select the options to determine if the labor resources are allowed to accrue minimal time before their schedule start time. Thus, if the labor resources badge in sixteen minutes before their scheduled time, they will receive the sixteen minutes in their net time.


    4. Late Time screen: Select the options to determine if the labor resources are allowed to accrue minimal time after their schedule end time. Thus, if the labor resources badge out fifteen minutes after their scheduled time and the No option is selected, they will not receive the fifteen minutes in their net time..


    5. Late In Time screen: Select the options to determine whether the labor resources will receive a time deduction for arriving after their schedule time. Be sure to include the number of minutes which will be the grace period before docking for late arrival and rounding increment for docking after a grace period.


    6. Early Out Time screen: Select the options to determine if the labor resources will receive their time deduction for leaving before their scheduled end time. Be sure to include the number of minutes which will be the grace period for early departure and rounding increment for docking after a grace period.


    7. Lunch screen: Select the options to determine if the lunch period will be automatically deducted after a certain increment of time on-site. Be sure to include the number of minutes on-site before a lunch deduction is automatically generated.


    8. Straight screen: Select the options to determine how a straight time will be calculated in a day.


    9. Overtime screen: Select the options to determine when and how the overtime will be calculated in a day or a week.


    10. Double Time screen: Selection the options to determine when and how a double time will be calculated in a day or a week.


    11. Other Costs screen: Select the options to determine if the daily other costs will apply to the labor resource's daily pay.


    12. Enough Information screen: The new pay formula is displayed for review. Click Next to complete the information process.


    13. Add Another Formula screen: The message appears that the new pay formula has been added to the Track database. Click Yes to add another pay formula, or click No to skip this step. Then click Next to continue to the next screen.


    14. Completing the Track Pay Formula Wizard screen: The pay formula wizard adds the new pay formula to the Track database. Click Finish to return to the Welcome to Track Pay Formula Wizard screen.