
This import is used to allocate the labor hours calculated by Track. The allocations may be forced to match the total number of hours in Track, or the allocations are rejected if the total number exceeds the amount of calculated time by Track.


Import Template Name

Import Type

Import Data Fields



  • Record ID

  • Force or Reject

  • Source

  • Date

  • Order Type

  • Location ID

  • Company Code

  • Resource ID

  • Resource Name

  • Area

  • Group Name

  • Agreement

  • Skill Type

  • Shift

  • Level 1 ID

  • Level 2 ID

  • Level 3 ID

  • Level 4 ID

  • Hours Total

  • Hours Total Activity Code

  • S/T (Hrs)

  • S/T Hrs Activity Code

  • O/T (Hrs)

  • O/T Hrs Activity Code

  • D/T (Hrs)

  • D/T Hrs Activity Code

  • Extra Charges $

  • Extra Charges $ Activity Code

  • Extra

  • Extra 1

  • Extra 2

  • Add Time

  • Pay Type

  • R4 (Hrs)

  • R5 (Hrs)

  • R6 (Hrs)

  • GL Account

  • ST Adders

  • OT Adders

  • DT Adders

  • R4 Adders

  • R5 Adders

  • R6 Adders